WYSIWYG Web Buildier 8.2 + Patch

WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) Web Buildier adalah Program yang dugunakan untuk membuat dan mendesain Web Pages. Program ini menghasilkan HTML (HyperText Markup Language) pada fungsi dikehendaki, Anda dapat membuat halaman web tanpa harus belajar HTML. Hanya drag and drop file atau objek ke posisi mana saja yang Anda inginkan dan ketika Anda selesai, Anda dapat mempublishkannya menggunakan Copy Paste HTML atau upload file yang disimpan dalam format html.


 Content Management System
Online administrator panel to add/edit/copy and remove pages.
Built-in support for several popular editors like CKEditor, TinyMCE and CLEditor.
Uses individual 'design blocks' for optimal flexibility, so you can easily integrate it into your existing layouts.
Separate CMS Menu object to navigate between online pages. The menu has many customizable options.
Built-in search functionality to search online content.
Supports AJAX to allow the user to quickly navigate between pages without have to reload the whole page!
CMS integrates with the login tools so you can assign different users to the CMS but also have a global admin.
The CMS keeps track of the page views.
Also supports external pages, so you can mix online content with standard pages.

 Create HTML 5 / CSS3
HTML5 document type (optimized HTML5 output).
HTML5 audio/video and YouTube HTML5 support.
HTML5 forms: native form validation, new input types and options, web storage.
HTML5 and support in shapes and other drawing tools.
CSS3 @font-face. Use non web safe fonts in all modern browsers.
CSS3 opacity, border radius, box shadow.
CSS3 gradients. Add cool gradient effects using native CSS3 (no images).
CSS3 navigation menu. Create awesome menus without using JavaScript or images.
CSS3 photo gallery.

 Desktop Publishing for the Web, build web sites as easy as Drag & Drop!
"One Click Publishing" No FTP program needed. No special hosting required, use with any Hosting Service!
Easily create forms using the built-in Form Wizard plus Form validation tools and built-in CAPTCHA.
Advanced graphics tools like shapes, textArt, rotation, shadows and many other image effects.
Fully integrated jQuery UI (Accordion, Tabs etc), animations, effects and built-in ThemeRoller support.
Google compatible sitemap generator / PayPal eCommerce Tools / Login Tools/Page Password Protection.
Many navigation tools available: Navigation bars, tab menus, dropdown menus, sitetree, slidemenus.
Built-in Slide Shows, Photo Galleries, Rollover images, Banners etc.
Support for YouTube, Flash Video, Windows Media Player and many other video formats.
Unique extension (add-on) system with already more than 250 extensions available!

 Download from ShareBeast
WYSIWYG Web Buildier 8.2 + Patch | 7,48 MB
Password www.dytoshare.us

WYSIWYG Web Buildier 8.2 + Patch

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